Self Defense

Giving the Gift of Empowerment Through Self Defense

If you are like most people, seeing the signs advertising only 65 days until Christmas triggered some emotional responses. Maybe anxiousness, maybe excitement, and perhaps a combination of both. The surprise of how close the holidays may begin the gears turning and figuring out what gifts to get. This decision-making process can be daunting if […]

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Martial Arts Programs Share Tips Against Bullying as School Approaches

The summer is coming to an end, and although some kids are thrilled with the prospect of being back on campus, some students and families inevitably worry about bullying. If a child has experienced bullying previously, this may be a real stress point for a family and a child. We looked at some popular advice

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Martial Arts’ Crazy Monkey Defense Meets Basic Needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy

Developed initially to defend oneself in hostile environments on all terrains, one of the foundational ideas of this modern approach to martial arts is self-preservation. In contrast to some other styles within martial arts, Crazy Monkey focuses on the personal development of both the mind and body. Some martial arts styles are naturally more competitive,

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Self-Defense Using Martial Arts v. Firearms

Guns are a hot topic right now, especially in California. The Second Amendment right of the United States Constitution states that American Citizens can bear arms. Having the ability to defend oneself and one\’s property are incredible privileges we have in this country. However, the times the media covers guns are not in a favorable

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Most Popular Weapons in Martial Arts

According to the Oxford Dictionary, ka·ra·te is “an Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport.” Although karate literally means \”empty hands,\” there are many training in karate and other martial arts who choose weapons to incorporate into their routines. There are weapons

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What’s Trending? Top Six Martial Arts Trends in 2022

The year 2022 seems to be moving quickly. Many popular sources that provide trending predictions may have missed the opportunity to mention martial arts trends for the upcoming year. Martial arts in itself is growing in popularity, so it is worth noting the most popular trends we are seeing so far in 2022. Cross-Fit Elevates

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krav maga san diego

Superhero Draws on Krav Maga Training

Wonder Woman’s Gal Gadot spent two years in mandatory military training in Israel. She became a combat trainer and found herself using some of those skills in her rigorous training for the physical demands of being a big-screen superhero. The Marvel series is an incredibly theatrical display of martial arts skills. Gadot, who portrays Wonder

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tae kwon do san diego

Three Reasons for Sparring

The art of sparring, a critical part of martial arts training, allows students of all ages to engage in competitive play. Healthy, competitive play allows those in martial arts training to practice what they learn week to week. Sparring is when students, at a certain level of achievement, practice techniques and skills on the mat

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