Self Defense

women hands in gis

Girls Can Do Anything Boys Can Do: What Martial Arts Can Do for Women and Girls

Martial arts are an incredible outlet for women and girls to stay fit, learn self-defense, and connect with other like-minded individuals. People quickly realize that martial arts training offers countless benefits. Girls, ages three and up, through teenhood and into young adulthood, become confident and strong female figures through excellent martial arts training programs that […]

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dark shadow self defense

Self-Defense is Equally Mental and Physical

Self-defense is as mental as it is physical, and that is why it is good news for anyone wanting to learn how to protect oneself! Anyone, and that is all-inclusive, can learn self-defense regardless of their size or physical ability. One thing that most people who have never trained in self-defense overlook is that well

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man and woman sparring in black belt martial arts training self defense

Five Different Self-Defense Martial Art Trainings for Women

All styles of martial arts were initially created for self-defense and combat purposes. The tried and true practices and techniques of different martial arts styles have allowed the “underdog” to come out victorious throughout history. When it is time for you to choose the best martial arts style to learn self-defense, there are different arts

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swiftkick testing children martial arts training

The Importance of Testing in Martial Arts

In all martial arts training, students will test as they progress. Testing is considered to be how instructors measure a student’s growth and determine their rank within the structure of the dojo – the most common is a stripe on their belt or achieving a darker belt once all necessary stripes have been earned. The

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Things to Look for When Choosing a Martial Arts Studio

When deciding where to start if you’re new to the area or want to train in martial arts for the first time, figuring out which studio is best for you can be challenging. Instead of giving in to the overwhelming process and skipping it altogether, use these three things as you look for the best

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Woman in alley with man following stalking self defense

Is Martial Arts Self-Defense Training Effective When It Counts?

One critique you may hear about martial arts’ self-defense training is that it is good in theory, but it doesn’t really work when push comes to shove, literally. However, the techniques taught at a reputable studio that focuses on training students to balance mind and body can be incredibly useful in many situations. It also

Is Martial Arts Self-Defense Training Effective When It Counts? Read More »

children self defense

Martial Arts Teach Valuable Skills in Self-Defense

You can count on more benefits in martial arts training than in any other sport, especially for children. The world seems to be growing more dangerous with violent acts, kidnappings, and human trafficking that the media says is on the rise. Every incident is tragic that we hear about, and that is growing the interest

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swiftkick is 16years old

Celebrating Another Anniversary: SwiftKick Martial Arts Turns 16!

It is hard to believe that SwiftKick Martial Arts has passed another milestone, celebrating sixteen years this month. It has indeed been a team effort, with the vision and leadership of Brian Cowell steering the ship. As more students grow up in the martial arts programs at SwiftKick, many continue to follow their journey beyond

Celebrating Another Anniversary: SwiftKick Martial Arts Turns 16! Read More »

Giving the Gift of Empowerment Through Self Defense

If you are like most people, seeing the signs advertising only 65 days until Christmas triggered some emotional responses. Maybe anxiousness, maybe excitement, and perhaps a combination of both. The surprise of how close the holidays may begin the gears turning and figuring out what gifts to get. This decision-making process can be daunting if

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