swiftkick is 16years old

Celebrating Another Anniversary: SwiftKick Martial Arts Turns 16!

It is hard to believe that SwiftKick Martial Arts has passed another milestone, celebrating sixteen years this month. It has indeed been a team effort, with the vision and leadership of Brian Cowell steering the ship. As more students grow up in the martial arts programs at SwiftKick, many continue to follow their journey beyond being taught and into assistant, instructor, and leadership roles themselves. Brian\’s mentorship is something he strongly believes in as he witnesses dedicated students who want to share their passion with others step up to the leadership role.

Giving Back to the San Diego Community Through Martial Arts

As a young adult, after graduating from San Diego State University, Brian’s love for the area was pivotal in creating a family-friendly martial arts studio while staying local. Giving back to his community was a critical part of his vision.

Growing up training in martial arts and spending more than half his life focused on the arts, Brian saw the need for a fully comprehensive program that catered to different age groups and combined self-defense and mixed martial arts (MMA). Brian still sees martial arts as a life-changing activity and lifestyle that can help young children, adults, and seniors. Although martial arts are an excellent form of exercise, Brian believes martial arts develop people on much deeper levels. Spending more than half his life training in martial arts, the gift of martial arts shaped Brian\’s own life, and he knew it would be his future.

Carlsbad and Rancho Bernardo Locations

SwiftKick Martial Arts are currently in two San Diego County locations. Brian has taken great pride in creating a welcoming, safe, clean training environment for the students and families. Brian\’s unique experience of such tenure in his training understands the necessity of incorporating many good business practices into martial arts training. Clarity of purpose, clear communication, and development within the programs help students set goals and focus on achieving them throughout training.

Carlsbad and Rancho Bernardo continue to offer multiple classes, including after-school programs and fun camps for kids. Check out SwiftKick for a complete list of courses and opportunities to get connected!

Gratitude for Support from the Community

It has been an overwhelming experience to have such devotion and support for his programs. Brian is thankful to both communities that have embraced his programs and made his studios successful! The growth of the programs and the classes are hugely due to the testimonials and word of mouth of students, parents, and families. Brian knows that without the immense support he has received, SwiftKick may look significantly different today.

Self-Defense and Ninja Parties

Brian has had many opportunities to extend martial arts into the community, and he continually networks to make martial arts accessible to everyone. Able to offer one-day self-defense courses, Girl Power camps, Ninja birthday parties, and summer camps on top of weekly training classes for all ages, Brian continues to be amazed at how blessed his efforts have been. He continues to work with local schools and after-school programs to ensure that all children can experience the benefits of martial arts training.

Master Instructors and Dedicated Staff Complete the Vision

Although it was always a hope that students who stayed in the program would want to stay on and share their passion and skills with others, Brian could have never imagined the amount of success this mentorship approach would offer. Students who began as small children have become valuable and passionate instructors for others.

The people who support a leader must share the vision and mission of an organization. The screening, training, and selection process used at SwiftKick means the highest quality instructors working with students. Brian wants to continue changing martial arts students\’ lives, helping them realize the best versions of themselves.

SwiftKick programs are focused on character building as well as skill development. Martial arts must be the marriage of mental and physical growth and health.

Working with children, teens and adults have been one of the most rewarding things Brian could have imagined sixteen years ago when he launched his Rancho Bernardohttps://goo.gl/maps/6n9UDnmWj7DT4eJE6 location of SwiftKick. As a father, Brian continues to be a positive role model to his family, in the studio, and in the community. In establishing a business built on a solid foundation and clear vision, Brian has added to both communities in which SwiftKick currently has studios. However, he humbly attributes the success of the studios to the families, students, instructors, and support staff. The gift of talking to people about his passion for martial arts easily opens doors for elevating the quality of martial arts offered in San Diego County. Brian could not be more thrilled at the prospect of getting more people involved in martial arts training.

Wishing you many more years of success!

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