
mental health green ribbon in adult child hands

Martial Arts Support Mental Health Awareness

This month, our nation focuses on mental health awareness. Mental health remains a concern as more violent acts and suicides make headlines. Thankfully, with national recognition, the entire month of May is dedicated to mental health awareness. This month, everyone is encouraged to stop, reflect, and take an honest look at their mental health. As […]

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Community and Personal Enrichment Through Martial Arts

Did you know that successful local businesses contribute to communities by serving as a catalyst for connecting and enrichment? Local businesses have come out of COVID-19, some more tattered than others, and therefore it is essential to support local businesses. Instead of seeking out products and services farther away, why not find local companies that

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Boys vs. Girls

It is likely everyone has heard some version of the old adage, “Girls can do anything boys can do, but better.” It is true, by physical design, that boys and girls are designed differently. However, let us adopt a more modern perspective and willingly dispel any preconceptions around boys and girls being better than or

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Top 3 Benefits of After School Activities

As children end their school day, regardless of age, finding outlets provides multiple benefits for both the kids and their families. Finding a safe place for children to go after school while staying active and productive allows them to process the day, get rid of extra stress and energy, and leaves room for a timely

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The Foundation of SwiftKick

As we round out 2021, it seems the perfect time to reflect and recognize each individual\’s incredible contribution to help make SwiftKick, Martial Arts, San Diego such a tremendous success. In gratitude, over the next two weeks, we introduce the dedicated team of corporate staff and instructors led by founder and owner Brian Cowell. Brian’s

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Girl Power Martial Arts Camp

Thankful for the Martial Arts Community

As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, in addition to figuring out the menu, deciding what time to put the turkey in, and shopping for this particular meal, stop and remember what you are grateful for. Sadly, with the hustle and bustle over Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is not uncommon to lose sight of the purposes of the

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