Celebrating Another Anniversary: SwiftKick Martial Arts Turns 16!
It is hard to believe that SwiftKick Martial Arts has passed another milestone, celebrating sixteen years this month. It has indeed been a team effort, with the vision and leadership of Brian Cowell steering the ship. As more students grow up in the martial arts programs at SwiftKick, many continue to follow their journey beyond […]
Parent’s Guide to Top Martial Arts for Younger Children
Even if starting your child in martial arts seems intimidating, it is wise to consider the many options. Participation in martial arts interests kids, and every parent wants their kids to be excited about something! Basic knowledge of the martial arts best for smaller children helps families decide if they are suitable for them, will […]
Three Reasons Martial Arts Students Yell
There are three main reasons that those practicing martial arts will deliver a short shout during training or competitions. What often sounds like \”hi-yah\” or \”hee-yah\” is not just a fun sound. On the contrary, using what is called Ki in martial arts is purposeful and intentional. Using Ki helps those in training draw from […]
Martial Arts Help Children and Teens Manage Stress
As adults across the nation feel more stress these days, it is no surprise that children and teens are also feeling the effects. Stress is expected in life, and our bodies are designed to handle stress when threats arise. The \”fight or flight\” survival response is intended to help the body survive and escape danger. […]
Physical Fitness Makes the Top Ten on 2023 New Year’s Resolution Lists
As 2022 wraps, many find themselves contemplating life as we approach 2023. It is no surprise that getting physically fit or setting new fitness goals is often in the top ten of everybody\’s New Year’s Resolution list. Weightlifters set goals to do more reps or pounds, while others commit to incorporating physical activity into their […]
Is a Good Night’s Sleep Key to More Effective Martial Art Workouts?
Few people feel they get enough sleep every night. Most adults look enviously at children who seem to be able to sleep just about anywhere and through all kinds of noise. Once children reach a certain age, sleep becomes critical to growth, and adults seem to get further and further from an ideal night\’s slumber. […]
Four Martial Arts Brain Boosters
It is no secret that physical exercise has multiple benefits. Improving physical strength or losing weight tends to be the most popular reasons, but what about the natural boosts exercise does for the brain? Walking, running, and cycling keep the body moving and keep the body healthy. Yoga is said to improve mood, balance, and […]
Three Tips for Visiting a Martial Arts Studio While Traveling
Traveling over the holidays can be brutal. Even the most avid exerciser may find themselves having more days off from their routine than they would like. It is great to give the body a break, but airline travel and long hours in a car can make the body crave physical exercise. Depending on where you […]
Martial Arts v Mortal Kombat
Today\’s video games seem to have extra layers of gore and violence. It is never surprising to see young kids\’ karate chopping their way through a grocery store or mimicking some rudimentary king fu moves they get from a dueling video game on their way to school. Since this is a mainstream way children are […]
Can Martial Arts Help with Weight Loss?
Although the emphasis of martial arts training can focus on self-defense, it should be noticed that regular training is an excellent tool for anyone seeking to shed a few pounds. Martial arts are not for kids and teens but for all ages and levels of athletic ability. Adults are finding multiple benefits from martial arts […]