After-School Programs Focus on Overall Health

The trend of 2022 that is going strong into 2023 is a shift from the improved physical health of school-aged children to their overall health. As mental illness and devastating suicides have broken families nationwide, today\’s after-school programs are broadening their focus to include mental and physical activities to provide school-aged children with healthy alternatives for children and teens. There are sports, the arts, and many other options for families, but finding programs that help both the mind and body is harder to come by. One of the best after-school programs is martial arts training. The unique design of a mixed martial arts training program is the required attention to the mind’s health and using that to allow the body to learn and master new techniques and skills.

Professional After-School Programs Are Safe for Children and Teens

In today’s climate of social media dominance, getting children and teens involved in a healthy after-school activity is priceless for families. Finding a safe place for the youth to go after a hard day at school to get built up and have time to process the day’s happenings in a healthy and meaningful way in a safe space gives peace of mind to parents.

Working against social media’s inevitable comparability influence, family-friendly martial arts training builds confidence and improves focus and attention. Martial arts programs designed for youth emphasize self-control, self-respect, honesty, integrity, and compassion, to name a few! Participating in a self-defense program can empower children and teens and equip them with the confidence to protect themselves against harm. Programs like the ones offered through SwiftKick always include valuable self-defense techniques. Countless families give personal testimonies of their child’s positive changes through a well-rounded after-school martial arts program.

After School Martial Arts Programs Lead to More Involvement

What self-confidence can do for a child or teen should not be underestimated. Having self-worth and self-respect and achieving goals in something balanced like martial arts training can\’t be found in any other activity. Many school-aged children find their passions through martial arts training, even if it isn’t getting a black belt. The confidence that comes with continued martial arts training helps children take leadership roles in school and improve academically. A well-rounded martial arts training program provides a supportive peer group and positive role models. Additionally, connecting with other families can be an excellent way to find ways your child can get involved.

It is critical that instructors meet children and teens where they are and encourage them and train them in the program. In many cases, martial arts studios invite students to try out a class for free or visit to observe. This is highly recommended! Make children part of the decision, and an excellent martial arts studio will make them feel welcome and encourage them to return.

After School Martial Arts Programs Help Children and Teens Relieve Stress

Today, schools may be understaffed or have conflicting teaching styles. Sometimes students feel overwhelmed after a day at school, and planning a healthy after-school activity has immense value for students of all ages. Although children and most teens don\’t have the stress of jobs and paying bills, children have many stressors. Stress can take a toll on any child, whether at home, school, socially, or simply low self-confidence. The key is to train children and teens to process, release, and move forward from the day\’s stress. Working through the process also helps children with a good night\’s sleep. Instead of wishing stress out of your child\’s life, take a step towards equipping them for today and their future.

Every family wants to help their children become the best version of themselves. Every parent wishes their child to have a good friend, do well in school, and be healthy. Finding an after-school activity that focuses on the health of their minds and bodies is the perfect combination. Martial arts do not require strong athleticism, and every student can achieve goals and build confidence in the right program. Strong leadership, thoughtful program design, and professional and kind instructors make all the difference to children of all ages. It is critical to avoid settling and instead find a quality after-school program that fits your child\’s needs, your busy schedule, and the budget. Beginning a martial arts training program with children between the ages of six and eleven can lead to a long growth experience into the teen years. Younger children learn quickly; the sooner they can find a supportive group of peers and adults, the more equipped they are for the future.

Working families have always sought after-school programs that are convenient and affordable. SwiftKick Martial Arts offers classes for different age groups, starting as young as three years old! Children of all ages benefit from martial arts training, caring instructors, and training that purposefully brings the mind and body together, building confidence and centeredness.

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