martial arts helps children's behavior

Temper Tantrums Be Gone! A Solution Through Martial Arts Training

When you hear about a temper tantrum, you probably already have a picture in your mind of a toddler not getting what they want and exploding in crying, yelling, screaming, and maybe even throwing themselves to the floor and refusing to move until they get what they ask for. Consider yourself fortunate if you have only observed and not lived through this personally. Some temper tantrums seem to have no basis, and often, parents find they are challenged to find the best way to handle tantrums to discourage repeatable moments that leave parents (and teachers) breathless. Many families have found that martial arts training can make life more peaceful; even when students begin as young as three years old, they are learning life skills they carry with them. Family-friendly martial arts studios, like SwiftKick, are dedicated to working side by side with families to find positive life-long solutions and guide children successfully in learning to navigate stressors in life.

Preschool Aged Martial Arts Training May Seem Too Early, But It’s Not

Although when you tell some people that your three-year-old is attending martial arts training, they may think it seems a bit early to start, never has a family regretted this decision. More and more families find that martial arts training is incredible in helping families overcome temper tantrum blues with their young children. However, when working with a quality studio and experienced instructors, parents can give their children an advantage by starting to introduce some of the core tenets of martial arts training at a young age. Students who begin at the preschool level have a headstart on emotional regulation skills, which gives them immeasurable advantages in school as they have already worked out many of the basic emotional and behavioral skills that help them succeed in the classroom. Skilled and experienced instructors at family-friendly and family-focused studios help create tantrum-free homes and classrooms.

Equipping Preschool Aged Children to Manage Temper Tantrums

Emotions run the roost for more preschool aged children. Their brains do not have filters most of the time and have no concept that their actions will have consequences or that these decisions, driven by strong emotions, may affect others. Martial arts training teaches not only self-awareness but awareness of surroundings and others. Although many parents experience the less-than-timely tantrum, we can’t fault the little ones because their brains are still in the early stages of development. Adults do not have their executive thinking skills until after the age of 20! Exceptional martial arts training programs designed for younger students will teach listening, self-control, focus, and emotional regulation, which they can use as they grow and throughout life.

Listening, Focus, and Emotional Regulation

The first step is training young students to listen, which may not seem fun, but a skilled martial arts instructor will successfully make learning to listen fun and engaging. Instructors, like those at SwiftKick Martial Arts studio, have experience and training in teaching through fun and games. At very young ages, the skills are less important than the foundational behaviors that are expected in martial arts training and will serve them well throughout life. Skills and moves will naturally develop as students continue their training, and being able to listen and have self-control helps students master new skills more quickly because they are focused. Self-control is a significant skill that young students learn that helps eliminate temper tantrums. Self-control teaches students to control the body, sit without fidgeting, and stay in control of emotions as they bubble up. Again, young students must be engaged through fun learning games that reinforce the life skills of martial arts training.

Positive reinforcement is a must in the studio and at home! Parents are strongly encouraged to stay and watch their kids learn when possible so that there is consistency after leaving the studio. Students, even young ones, will set goals and work towards those with the help of their instructors.

When looking into martial arts training for the young person in your life, consider visiting SwiftKick Martial Arts Studio for a free trial class. SwiftKick has classes for students from 3 years old through senior adulthood! When it comes to the quality of the program, instruction, and advocacy, SwiftKick works diligently with parents and families to ensure concerns are addressed and students reach milestones both inside and outside the studio. If you are dealing with temper tantrums, you won’t be sorry if your little one begins martial arts training in a healthy and family-friendly environment. SwiftKick just opened a brand-new, state-of-the-art studio in Bressi Ranch, offering multiple convenient class times led by thoughtfully selected, caring, and experienced instructors.

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