martial arts comeback

Meet the SwiftKick Instructors

The team of instructors at both SwiftKick Martial Arts locations in San Diego brings a wealth of experience. These instructors have been hired not only for skill but a welcoming and encouraging approach to teaching martial arts. The team understanding every person, no matter age or experience, who walks through the doors at one of the SwiftKick studios should feel welcomed, valued, relevant, known, and encouraged, makes this group nothing short of exceptional. An essential part of Brian’s selection of qualified and talented instructors is that those interested have an opportunity to become part of the SwiftKick instructor team and family. Brian’s unique approach through his program design supports his overall vision for SwiftKick. Brian has worked diligently to ensure a friendly atmosphere, including instructors and students alike.

In Rancho Bernardo, you will meet…

Jared Smith holds a second-degree black belt in Applied Martial Arts and has been instructing for more than ten years and believes martial arts training can be life changing. His own training built his confidence, character, and compassion for others. Jared is also an avid reader, talented writer, and poet when he isn\’t at the studio.

Mike Appel brings more than 21 years of experience in more than 15 martial art styles. Strengthening the SwiftKick team for more than two years, Mike has a humble spirit and continues to enjoy teaching while learning himself. He enjoys being a part of other students\’ journeys and influencing next generations to be strong in mind and body.

Debbie Green is a master with the younger students at SwiftKick. Matching the energy and encouragement to help the 3-5-year-old students, Debbie enthusiastically trains students in what she loves to do. Debbie has also realized a gifting in working with and instructing special needs students, allowing them to reap the same benefits from martial arts training.

Laura Merill has been in the SwiftKick family for more than ten years. Her story begins like many others. Witnessing the life-changing benefits others experienced through martial arts training at SwiftKick. As Laura watched her son, she also felt the call to pursue martial arts. Earning her black belt in 2017, Laura works with the younger students to strengthen their skills and focus.

Parker Smith holds a 1st-degree black belt in Applied Martial Arts and has been coaching for more than a year. He believes martial arts is an incredible self-defense tool that teaches physical fitness and life skills. Parker is currently pursuing a degree in architecture.

Chandler Smith is a lead instructor in the Rancho Bernardo studio and has been with SwiftKick for more than four years. Chandler believes in fostering growth throughout the martial arts journey, helping a student overcome physical challenges and mental ones.

Assistant Instructors

Jack Cook works as an assistant instructor, continuing to be mentored in his instruction role at SwiftKick. Brian enjoys seeing the younger generations take an interest in leading and encouraging others in the martial arts journey.

Ben Isom is another assistant instructor, providing support and instruction in several classes taught at SwiftKick, Rancho Bernardo. Ben continues to build his instruction training through the assistant opportunity Brian designed.

You will be greeted in Carlsbad by…

David Welchons is one of the Carlsbad senior instructors. David has been part of the SwiftKick family since 2008, is a member of the demo team, and holds a first-degree black belt. David loves martial arts and many outdoor activities. David recognizes there is no end to martial arts training, and students can go as far as they choose to. He wants to be a part of their continued journey and success in martial arts. Acknowledging the way martial arts can relieve stress, provide a rigorous workout and teach perseverance, David believes strongly in the power of martial arts training.

Chris Welchons is another senior instructor at the Carlsbad facility who began his time with SwiftKick back in 2008. Serving on the demo and student leadership team, Chris achieved coaching status and earned his first-degree black belt. Chris realizes the responsibility of being an instructor in the SwiftKick family and the impact of providing a positive role model and influence for students. He enjoys watching students grow and develop their training. SwiftKick, having a huge influence in his own life, is one of the main reasons he continues to see the incredible value and benefits for those training in martial arts.

Rachel Welchons is one of the lead instructors in Carlsbad, working with children and sharing her love for martial arts and the youth. She holds a first-degree black belt in Applied Martial Arts and enjoys walking through the journey with students. She has experienced the same challenges and triumphs and closely relates to the student experience and is an incredible encouragement.

Sarah McCann is also a lead instructor in Carlsbad and holds a second-degree black belt. Coaching, for Sarah, has been a natural progression, bringing more than 17 years of experience in martial arts. The empowerment martial arts offer those in training has been an essential part of her life. She feels honored to watch student\’s progress through training and achieve their personal goals.

Antione Blake is another lead instructor and has recently joined the SwiftKick martial arts team. Having actively served in the Marines and still a reservist, Antione achieved completion of the Martial Arts Instructor program with the Marines. He found joy through teaching, meeting new people, and offering expertise in many different martial arts styles. Antione believes the balance of mental, spiritual, and physical leads to a healthy life and thinks martial arts is a priceless tool for building the confidence to find balance and maintain it. Martial arts also help with physical balance and has many other health benefits.

Brian has developed a talented and dedicated team of instructors that serve both the Rancho Bernardo locations in San Diego. You may have noticed that SwiftKick is not only a family by design, but we have a couple of groups of families that instruct! Check out the powerful testimonials from SwiftKick clients and sign up for a free training class and get started. Regardless of age, physical fitness level, or experience in martial arts, Brian has hand-picked instructors that thrive with their students, helping them realize their own goals and beyond.

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