Martial Arts Articles

Swiftkick Blog

overwhelmed kid activities

The Struggle is Real: Managing Multiple Children in Multiple Activities

By Swiftkick Staff | January 16, 2024

There is no shortage of activities for school-aged children today. Whether it be academics, sports, music, art, or robotics, the number of activities children can engage in today is not only impressive but can be overwhelming. Until your children can drive, and often beyond, parents are on the hook for transport and financing. Here are […]

boy not listening add

How Martial Arts Can Help Those with Attention Disorders

By Swiftkick Staff | January 3, 2024

The number of reasons people join martial arts reaches millions. Every decision is a personal one, whether joining martial arts for personal fitness, better health, to learn self-defense, to compete, or some other reason. One group that is striving to explore the benefits of martial arts is those struggling with attention disorders like ADD and […]

Role Model Children

Six Reasons to Start Martial Arts in 2024

By Swiftkick Staff | December 20, 2023

At some point in most people’s lives, they have thought about doing martial arts. Some are inspired by action movie stars, like Bruce Lee. Others may be intrigued by a social media plug or have been in a scary situation where they wonder if martial arts training would have helped them. Whatever the reason, martial […]

Martial Arts Train Students in Staying Positive Through Mindfulness, Responsibility, and Discipline

By Swiftkick Staff | December 6, 2023

Today, people seek ways to look at life and circumstances more positively. There are inspirational sayings on mugs, bumper stickers, and jewelry, and an individual’s faith may be a strong basis of their perspective on life. Each person will have a unique way of shifting thinking and seeing things more positively. However, the condition of […]

martial arts helps children's behavior

Temper Tantrums Be Gone! A Solution Through Martial Arts Training

By Swiftkick Staff | November 15, 2023

When you hear about a temper tantrum, you probably already have a picture in your mind of a toddler not getting what they want and exploding in crying, yelling, screaming, and maybe even throwing themselves to the floor and refusing to move until they get what they ask for. Consider yourself fortunate if you have […]

young martial arts students in gis

Being A Good Teammate in Martial Arts

By Swiftkick Staff | November 1, 2023

Although martial arts are an individual sport for the most part, there is still an element of teamwork that must also be mastered in order to be the best martial artist possible. Individuals who participate in martial arts training set their own goals, achieve them, and are accountable to themselves for doing so. However, there […]

black belt instructor martial arts

Why Swiftkick Martial Arts Instructors Set the Bar High

By Swiftkick Staff | October 11, 2023

In the world of martial arts, the path to mastery is a journey that demands dedication, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to self-improvement. At Swiftkick Martial Arts in Carlsbad and Rancho Bernardo, California, we understand the significance of this journey, and we believe that it’s essential for our instructors to have earned a black belt […]

man and woman sparring in black belt martial arts training self defense

Five Different Self-Defense Martial Art Trainings for Women

By Swiftkick Staff | September 13, 2023

All styles of martial arts were initially created for self-defense and combat purposes. The tried and true practices and techniques of different martial arts styles have allowed the “underdog” to come out victorious throughout history. When it is time for you to choose the best martial arts style to learn self-defense, there are different arts […]

traditional chinese house

The History of Martial Arts Training

By Swiftkick Staff | August 30, 2023

Martial arts training is not only trending, but a fascinating topic to learn about. Martial arts have a rich and captivating history that spans centuries and encompasses a wide range of traditions and techniques. From ancient civilizations to modern times, martial arts have evolved and transformed, serving various purposes throughout history. It all began as […]

large training group in studio kicking

Unleashing the Hidden Gems: Exploring the Exceptional Benefits of Martial Arts

By Swiftkick Staff | August 23, 2023

In our fast-paced world, finding a way to achieve physical fitness, mental well-being, and personal growth has become an increasingly challenging endeavor. However, nestled within the realm of martial arts lies an age-old practice that offers a multitude of remarkable benefits. From enhancing physical strength to cultivating discipline and focus, martial arts serve as a […]