children kids sitting focused

Is Martial Arts Good for Children With ADHD?

Parenting is challenging. Although you may have been told how difficult it can be, every parent has walked through many trials and, hopefully, many successes raising their children. When you have a child that is diagnosed with ADHD, the challenges can be exceedingly overwhelming. Many families, even without a diagnosis, recognize some of the behaviors as possible signs of ADHD. ADHD is Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder, and just about every single person has shown some signs at one time or another. However, a child with ADHD will have more hurdles to overcome.

Parents look for ways to help equip their children to navigate life with ADHD, and many families end up enrolling in family-friendly, structured martial arts studios. So, if you are asking if your child would do well in a martial arts training program if they have ADHD tendencies or have been diagnosed, the answer is yes. Brian, founder and owner of SwiftKick Martial Arts, has worked with many students managing ADHD. A father himself, he has the heart to see children overcome any challenge in their life and learn valuable skills that can aid them as they navigate scenarios, not only in the studio but at home, school, and other social settings.

Experts Continue to Define ADHD: Parents and Kids Are Living With It

Although much is known about ADHD, there is still much to be learned. Experts associate regulation of activity, relative to the situation, with a main component of all patients diagnosed with ADHD. Every child is unique, so ADHD will manifest itself differently. However, there are some commonalities in behavior and tendencies in which families have found martial arts training helped significantly. Many families give personal testimony about how martial arts training helped mitigate their child’s ADHD symptoms.

Focus is a core tenet of martial arts training, and training in the increasing ability to focus can be a significant tool for children with ADHD. Beyond being able to concentrate at school or sit still in church, martial arts students also learn how to focus when faced with a harmful scenario that requires them to breathe and walk away instead of engaging in or having an extreme emotional response. Self-regulation and self-control are two things many children with ADHD are challenged with, more so than their peers. The two extremes are to avoid situations that are not comfortable completely or to run headfirst into one. Training to increase focus and self-control has helped countless children diagnosed with ADHD successfully navigate martial arts training, interactions at home, and other social settings.

How Martial Arts Training Helps Children with ADHD and Other Challenges

Martial arts training helps children by creating a safe environment among peers that fosters social, mental, and physical growth. Martial arts are unique because the reward system is individual, and achievements are celebrated and rewarded. SwiftKick Martial Arts has put much thought and intentionality behind its reward system so every student can succeed, regardless of their challenges.

Students begin training among peers with a skilled and encouraging instructor. The routine, exercises, games, and other engaging activities help children with ADHD navigate social situations and also learn to strengthen their ability to focus on class and their goals. Family-friendly studios make students feel welcome and that they can achieve what they set their minds to. The best instructors work with students to guide them and encourage them along the way. A healthy training environment allows students with ADHD to feel they belong and gives them a unique opportunity to get a foothold to build upon.

Choosing A Studio with Skilled Instructors To Work With Your Child

Parents are protective of their children, and even more so when their child is facing additional challenges, like ADHD. Finding a studio where your child feels welcomed, encouraged, and wants to be week to week is crucial. Finding a studio with skilled instructors, like SwiftKick, offers children and families a safe space to learn and grow. Not all martial arts studios have the same vision and approach to training. Hyper-competitive studios may not fit your child just starting in martial arts training. Parents want to see their children ask to go to training and not have to fight them every step of the way. However, please keep in mind that change can be scary, especially for children diagnosed with ADHD. Although the transition may take some effort, find a studio whose instructors will partner with you to keep your child engaged, encouraged, and on track to their goals.

In our new Bressi Ranch location, set to open September 2023, SwiftKick is now more central and more accessible for North County residents to access. Contact us today for a free trial and watch your child stretch and grow in ways you only imagined possible.



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