martial arts student kicking with instructor to learn skill

Girl Power

One of the most inspiring things to witness is a young lady standing up for herself with confidence, changing what seems to be an inevitable result—specifically, situations such as standing up against a bully or standing up for someone else being bullied. I am also talking about the victorious ending to girls being targeted or abduction attempts that falter due to the internal strength and courage that come with confidence. Confidence in young girls also means walking away from unhealthy relationships. Self-assured girls understand their value and are confident enough to walk away when they know something is not good for them. Establishing this confidence and empowering young girls at an early age allows them to continue making solid and safe decisions throughout their lives. The benefits to girls from martial arts training includes immeasurable empowerment and set them up for success in the future.


Confidence does not have to mean arrogance or superiority, but it does mean unwavering values and characteristics that are worth fighting to maintain. One of the substantial side effects of excellent martial arts training is intrinsic confidence that can’t be taken away. A solid foundation of confidence only builds over time. SwiftKick has incredible programs designed for girls and women of all ages to learn self-defense. Learning self-defense is not age restrictive and can start very young, serving as a great building block.

Self-Defense for Girls

Brian Cowell has specifically designed workshops to encourage girls and young ladies to participate and learn to defend themselves. Self-defense includes techniques and tools (especially being vocal!) to get out of dangerous situations. Brian’s intentional and purposeful program design thoughtfully incorporates training in self-awareness, situational awareness, and avoiding danger in an organic way that becomes second nature for girls completing the program. We do not want to teach fear to young girls, but awareness that can is meaningful and helpful when making choices.

The Growing Girl Power Camp believes:



And they do! The program is within the Applied Martial Arts system Brian introduced, which is a masterfully blended program incorporating the best of mixed martial arts and combat self-defense. Many young girls began in a fun course and chose to continue training well into their teenage years, and some continue well into adulthood or become instructors themselves.

There is a comfort that comes to anyone caring for and watching a young girl become a lady and then an adult, knowing they have both the mental and physical awareness to stay safe. Watching confidence grow through overcoming both physical and mental challenges in martial arts training is transformative. Although they may not become an extrovert through the process, shy and reserved girls stand up for what they think is right and speak up even when nobody is expecting it.

It is incredible how many young girls step out as leaders as they continue to train in martial arts. Goal setting and the discipline and self-control required to achieve those goals often awaken the leader within. Through effective martial arts training, many female leaders evolve because they are empowered and confident to move ahead in new possibilities.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is something rarely taught but is invaluable in life. Part of the martial arts training at SwifKick includes goal setting, which offers girls power over their progress and achievements. It may not seem like much, but this element is significant for anyone choosing this training. It plays out at home, school, and eventually the workplace and volunteering in the community. Owning the outcome of your choices, effort, and priorities serves young women well in so many areas of life.

Women’s Self Defense

Additional self-defense courses for women at SwiftKick Martial Arts, San Diego are available in 1-day courses, 2-day courses, and private sessions are available to groups of six or more women. Taking a self-defense course is some of the best money you will ever spend. Teaching young girls that they can successfully get stronger, defend themselves, and have the confidence to achieve their goals is something no other athletic activity offers. Martial arts are individual but involve intense training among peers. This is unique, holding those in training accountable for practicing, showing up, and giving 100%.

Offering two locations in amazing San Diego communities, SwiftKick offers many class times and events so you can sign up and participate when it works for your schedule. Focused on both families and individuals, you will find many ways to plug in with Brian and his capable and incredible team of instructors at SwiftKick, either in Rancho Bernardo or Carlsbad. Also, check out the after-school programs connected with SwiftKick to get the young person in your life on the road to self-confidence, self-respect, and confidence as they grow up and navigate life.


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