Martial Arts Articles

Swiftkick Blog

Advancing Rank

By Swiftkick Staff | September 6, 2012

Congratulations to all students who gained stripes on their belts and to those who advanced rank! We are proud of you!!   Here are some rank evaluation highlights from our Wednesday Rancho Bernardo Pathfinder class:       Joshua You earns his orange belt!                        […]

Defying the Law of Gravity

By Swiftkick Staff | August 27, 2012

What comes up must come down.  The Law of Gravity is an unavoidable reality in our life here on Earth.  Not surprisingly this law can also be seen in the well being and affairs of people—most of us have a hard enough time keeping our footing amidst all of life\’s difficulties.   For many of […]

A Big Thanks To All Our Break-A-Thon Sponsors

By Swiftkick Staff | August 24, 2012

SwiftKick would like to thank the following sponsors for all of their generous support for our Break-a-thon event!!                                                                            […]

What\’s Your Excuse??

By Swiftkick Staff | July 9, 2012

[pro-player width=\’530\’ height=\’253\’ type=\’video\’][/pro-player]   So….What\’s your excuse?? Anything worthwhile comes with a cost.  Getting in shape and feeling great is not easy,                                                                 […]

America\’s Fighting Spirit

By Swiftkick Staff | July 3, 2012

Who owns you? For most Americans the answer is “nobody”.  Once we are on our own we are free to decide what we do with our lives.  The reality is, however, if we don’t recognize this freedom and the cost paid to obtain it we may be letting people own us.  The feeling of being […]

The Power of Adaptability

By Swiftkick Staff | June 26, 2012

Many of our students at SwiftKick are either working through an injury or have learned to adapt their training and fighting style around  long term injuries.  Instead of quitting or succumbing to the idea that they \”can\’t\” do something, they have discovered the power of adaptability as they press through. At the center of adaptability […]

Brian Cowell Interview—Crazy Monkey Weekend

By Swiftkick Staff | June 12, 2012

Last weekend Brian Cowell attended a weekend of training put on by Crazy Monkey Defense.                                                                             We had the opportunity of asking Brian a few questions about the weekend. This is what he shared: Brian: The weekend was a closed session just for trainers. It was up in Los Angeles at Center Line Gym, Jerry Wetzel’s gym—the head CM trainer in the US. Q: What did you guys do? B: Mostly sparring. Anything goes sparring sessions. There were guys there from all over the country: New York, Tennessee, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, etc. and a lot of trainers from California.  We worked extensively on technical skills in CM 1, 2, and 3. Q: How long did it last? B: It started Friday and went through Monday. We sparred about 8 hours a day. Q:  What were you hoping to get out of the weekend as you were headed to it? B: I was hoping to get training and experiences to improve my personal game, which by default will improve my coaching. I went for personal benefit and for the benefit of my clients. Q:  Was there anything you were surprised with? B:  I didn’t expect to have such a noticeable improvement in my sparring game. Others […]

The Power of Determination

By Swiftkick Staff | June 4, 2012

It has been said that the greatest treasure in all the Earth can be found six feet underground…in cemeteries. It is the lost riches people have carried with them to the grave–great and wonderful things that they failed to appropriate within themselves and release. This is a sad reality and perhaps a common fear people […]

The Power of Purpose

By Swiftkick Staff | May 23, 2012

People have an amazing ability to rationalize or make a myriad of excuses for their behavior. We come up with convincing explanations of why we are or are not doing something. Some of us have perfected the art by the time we reach adulthood and are so convincing we even deceive ourselves. Life can be […]

Coming Soon: Women\’s Self-Defense Seminar

By Swiftkick Staff | May 8, 2012