young girl kicking

Summer is Here! Now, What Do We Do? Martial Arts Camps!

Students nationwide are celebrating or have celebrated the end of another school year. Often, the eagerness to be done, in combination with parents tiring of lunch making and waiting in the school pick-up lines, mark a celebration in many homes! However, when the dust settles, families scramble to sign up kids for camps to keep them busy, active, and out of trouble for the summer. If this is you, and you didn’t plan out every week, you are not alone. There is still time and lots of opportunities to sign your children up for weeklong camps, which may be the start of something amazing!

Ninja Martial Arts Camps

If you live in the Carlsbad or Rancho Bernardo areas, SwiftKick Martial Arts offer incredible Ninja Camps this summer! These weeklong camps are an excellent opportunity for children of all ages (yes, little ones and teens) to get out, meet some people, and learn some rad new skills. Brian Cowell and his team of qualified and caring instructors work diligently to keep the programs engaging and fun, which is when young people learn best, and it sticks!

Keeping the Kids Occupied and Device-Free

This heading certainly got some eye rolls. We all feel it when we wish our kids were not so eager to get on their devices and fight us when we ask them to put them down. Again, you are not alone. It will be impossible to keep the peace this summer if we deny our children access to their devices and social connections entirely. The best thing is to find balance. These kids have earned some downtime, so be sure to allow them space to do nothing. However, excessive time on a device can have adverse effects, so setting time limits is not a bad idea! Establishing these rules early on, but not calling them rules, will undoubtedly help when they transition back to the rigid school schedule in just a few short months.

However, it is essential to remember that devices are how many children connect with peers, even if they see them socially in another setting. Martial arts camps are an excellent way for kids to connect with others during the summer. Many new friendships form and continue into the school year. Studios like SwiftKick focus on family-friendly approaches to training that are fun and keep kids coming back. This safe setting and encouraging professional instructors teach young people how to interact with others in respectful ways.

Keeping Kids Physically Active This Summer

Beyond just hoping your child doesn’t spend too much time with their face on the screen, finding an outlet for them to get some physical exercise is a brilliant idea. Scheduling regular training, such as martial arts, can keep them on task to achieve their goals and stay active too. Many children enjoy practicing what they learn each week. Martial arts students are encouraged to practice to achieve their dreams of higher belts and rankings. Martial arts training is also an indoor activity, so rain or shine, classes will take place, and kids won’t miss weeks!

If you live where kids can safely play out front and get some exercise, consider yourself blessed! If you don’t, finding other ways for your children to stay active, this summer will have immense benefits.

If you are looking for a multi-faceted, unique, and engaging activity to get your child excited about this summer, reach out to SwiftKick and sign up for a Ninja Camp. You may find that your child thrives in this healthy environment and finds a new passion for martial arts training. The benefits of martial arts training for small children through adults are countless. Some of the martial arts principles at the core of exceptional training are focus, self-control, honor, respect, and mind/body balance. Confidence is a natural result when these are strengthened in young people. Many families claim that martial arts training offers the complete package when it comes to an engaging fitness option for their children. Students as young as three years old may begin training, and the complexity of training is appropriate for each age group. Students in each group train together, encourage one another, and celebrate each other’s achievements.

If your child is better suited for a weekly training class right off the bat, contact the studio for a free training class. It is always best when a child gets to choose their activity and is part of the decision-making process. Sending them to try it out empowers them and keeps them excited instead of them feeling forced and disgruntled over participating. Also, if you can find a friend or neighbor to bring along, this is a sure way to keep them looking forward to being there each week!

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