Team Meeting martial arts Instructors

Four Things that Create an Exceptional Martial Arts Training Experience

It is no surprise that martial arts training studios compete with other facilities that offer a workout outside the traditional gym. The competition between options is why martial arts studios must deliver the highest quality experience for students and stand above the others. Creating an exceptional customer experience is something every business in America strives for, and only some achieve it. So, what makes for an outstanding martial arts training experience? Ultimately, it is a combination of four things everyone is looking for when choosing a studio to connect with, whether to learn or master their skills.

Martial arts training offers many skills, including self-defense, goal setting, incredible physical fitness, and some serious skillset on the mat. Unlike a gym, martial arts training provides a personal trainer for every class, which does not cost extra. A team of incredible instructors is one of the things that create an exceptional martial arts training experience. Location, leadership, and excellently designed programs are the other things that bring students back.

The collective experience of how someone feels at a martial arts studio determines if they return and if they tell a friend. The overall experience can draw people in or steer them away.

Studio Facility and Atmosphere Should Be Organized and Welcoming

Facility Location

Location, location, location. One of people\’s most foundational needs when choosing somewhere to work out is location. People choose areas near their homes or workplaces, and most do not want to travel long distances to work out. Find a convenient studio with parking and multiple classes to fit your schedule. Reputable and established studios continue to find locations that work for the students and families to ensure getting to the class does not create unnecessary stress.

An exceptional studio should be clean, organized, and heavily worn-out equipment replaced. Many of these decisions come from the owner or manager of the martial arts studio, so that is the next place to look to ensure the best martial arts training experience possible.


We all know the feeling. People seem genuinely glad to see you when you walk in the door. A healthy and exceptional martial arts studio works diligently to create a welcoming atmosphere. Some studios become complacent over time and let the atmosphere and facility fall by the wayside. Sticking with training is more likely if you look forward to being there.

Instructors Should Be Qualified

Depending on the size studio, there may be multiple instructors. In some of the best martial arts studios, there is a team of instructors chosen by the owner that supports the vision and mission. Instructors must be personable, skilled, patient, and able to meet each student where they are and elevate them. New students may need more guidance initially, and the most qualified and experienced instructors can do this without leaving anyone behind.

Instructors should be compassionate but also hold students to high standards of excellence. Suppose a studio offers classes for special needs students. In that case, the instructor should be qualified for this position and be passionate about working with students that may have some challenging emotional or physical tendencies. In essence, you should not just have any instructor for an exceptional martial arts training experience. Instructors should be picked and placed according to their gifting, skill level, and interests.


It is critical to join a martial arts studio with a mission and vision to build passion in others for martial arts. Anyone can realize the endless benefits of martial arts with exceptional training. Please do some research. Find out who owns the studio and what their vision is for the studio and its students. If a studio does not have a mission, there is a risk of inconsistency and a less desirable overall experience. A leader should establish a comprehensive vision for the studio so instructors can align to that vision and students clearly understand what the studio represents.

Clear Communication Around Goal Setting and Achievement

It is frustrating to begin working towards something only to discover more hurdles than anticipated. To create an exceptional martial arts experience, communication about goal setting and how to progress through a program are critical. Since martial arts has students of all ages, some set personal goals for the first time in training. Instructors should be clear about how students can move up in rank, what steps are necessary, and provide valuable feedback to guide them to meet their achievements.

Although there are multiple martial arts studios, it is worth finding one committed to creating an exceptional training experience. If you are in the Carlsbad or Rancho Bernardo areas, try a free class with SwiftKick Martial Arts. Brian Cowell, founder and owner is dedicated to creating the best experience possible for everyone that walks in the door.

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