Focused students in their boxing training class san diego

A Parent’s Complete Guide to Martial Arts

Parents who are looking ahead to the school year may be trying to figure out the best after-school activities that work with a busy back-to-school schedule. Having an overview of martial arts may provide insight into the flexibility and incredible benefits martial arts offer school-aged children. The top reasons parents enroll their children in martial arts are to protect themselves against bullying, stay active and off their devices, and get some regular exercise. What many do not realize is that martial arts training with a quality and family-friendly studio like SwiftKick offers many other benefits, including growing self-control, confidence, focus, and self-worth.

It is indisputable that the options for activities seem to multiply, from basic after-school care to elaborate and expensive travel activities that take up every free minute, and the costs can be exorbitant. Martial arts training at a local studio can offer families a balanced after-school activity that meets regularly but doesn’t take over and interfere with academics and other commitments.

Martial Arts Works for Every Age, Gender, and Fitness Level

One of the unique things about martial arts training is that it is an individual sport, and this opens the door for many who feel limited or uninterested in highly competitive organized sports. There is no minimum fitness level or required skills to get started in a quality martial arts program. Skilled instructors can train any student, whether just starting out or coming back to the mat after time away. New students are welcomed because martial arts training is about improving oneself and not about getting more court or field time. A new student is never taking the spot of another, and everyone is encouraged by their peers and instructors. Martial arts are a “meet you where you are at” activity, so it is appropriate for everyone.

Skills Learned in Martial Arts Are Practical

As children develop, providing them with opportunities to diversify their learning is helpful, which is why many families seek after-school activities. Even academically focused students benefit from a routine that involves some activity that has a physical element. Some of the skills children will learn through exceptional martial arts training programs include:

  • Attentive Listening
  • Self-Confidence
  • Social Interactions
  • Positive Attitude
  • Perseverance
  • Focus and Attention
  • Respect for Self and Others
  • Physical Fitness
  • Self-Defense

As young students learn these skills, they experience lower anxiety, fewer outbursts and tantrums, as well as personal growth in many areas. Students and families rave about the many transformative benefits of martial arts training.

Martial Arts Ideal for After-School Activity

Children undeniably experience stress during the school day. Whether it is social stress, stress over getting good grades, or challenges understanding their teachers’ expectations, students handle stress differently. Some students go onto their devices as quickly as possible to process the day. Other children may lash out or nap after school. As parents, we can provide our children with healthy outlets that help them process the day but also engage them in self-development and practical skills that come into play in and out of the studio.

SwiftKick is dedicated to providing students an engaging and fun way to learn martial arts. Programs designed with clear communication around promotions and expectations help families and students set and achieve goals. Children make friends in their peer groups, display respect for themselves and others, and learn the value of self-control and basic self-defense skills. As students promote, they will participate in sparring, which is a valuable and necessary activity in quality martial arts programs. Whether your child is three or fifteen, martial arts offer many benefits!

As summer activities draw to an end, it is never too early to start thinking about after-school activities that provide children with a healthy outlet that is something they enjoy and look forward to. If you are seeking a balanced after-school activity that will not take up every free weekend or break the bank, contact SwiftKick Martial Arts in Bressi Ranch or Rancho Bernardo for a free trial class for your child. The programs are thoughtfully designed to incorporate many practical skills from different martial art styles, including Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Wrestling, and many others. We offer convenient class times in the evening with two easy-access locations – we know school schedules are busy, and we plan our classes with that in mind!