Coaches at swiftkick black belt

The Three Phases of a Martial Artists’ Life Cycle

Although defining three phases that apply to every person that tries martial arts is impossible, those who continue in martial arts, whether training or making a career out of it, will agree these three phases are consistent with their journey, and some may have occurred simultaneously. The three phases are loosely defined as an introduction to martial arts, growth within martial arts, and then sharing martial arts with others.

Introduction, Growth, and Sharing

Martial Arts students who begin training and stay with it may make a career out of it or continue to train simply because they love what it has done in their lives and are dedicated. The three phases of initially being introduced to growth to sharing may look slightly different for individuals.

The Initial Martial Arts Introduction

When students are first introduced to martial arts, they may be young, a teen, or an adult. This phase has the most variables because everyone starts their own personal martial arts journey for personal reasons. Some of the most common reasons are self-defense, fitness, trying something new, and building self-confidence. You also have those who sign up after watching an action-packed, compelling martial arts movie and want to become the next superhero. Whatever the reason, getting started is never a disappointment. You will never hear someone who has trained or is training in martial arts say it is a waste of time. Students who begin at a young age in martial arts have a unique opportunity to be mentored by a positive role model. Instructors who are skilled in training young students have a special skill to encourage and stretch and get students excited about all martial arts have to offer. Martial arts are individual but allow for healthy competition and teach life principles no other sport teaches. An impactful instructor can significantly impact whether students continue their martial arts journey, so finding the best studio with quality instruction is critical.

The “Selfish” Growth Stage

The growth stage for martial artists can feel selfish. This season of your martial arts journey is all about your personal growth and meeting your goals. The growth stage for those training in martial arts is often focused on achieving higher belts, and some students have “black belt dreams” from the moment they walk into the studio.

Growing in martial arts is not just about technique and moves but about developing strong character; it is self-improvement in just about every area of a student’s life. Training can consume hours, sweat, frustration, and even tears. However, the reward is monumental and worth every minute and every drop. Confidence grows exponentially in martial arts students. Some students may experience weight loss or stronger muscles, but the confidence that comes with staying focused on being one’s best is priceless.

The end of the growth phase looks slightly different. Still, the growth stage is when students look back at their journey and recognize the growth, achievement, and adversity they overcame and how they have become the best version of themselves is euphoric. At this point in the growth stage, most students have a profound realization – that they want to share this experience with others. That is certainly the case for SwiftKick founder and owner Brian Cowell. His own personal martial arts journey is what launched his family-friendly programs. He has many students who have gone through all three stages with SwiftKick, and now they have moved into the sharing stage and become instructors themselves. What an incredible testimony to the martial arts programs he has designed!

The Calling to Share One’s Martial Arts Experience

When students in martial arts reach the sharing phase, they have a healthy appreciation and admiration for everything that martial arts have done in their lives. The deep level of respect drives students to want to share this with others and tell as many people as possible. Whether students begin assisting in classes, open their own studios, or choose to compete at high levels, students in the sharing stage feel a calling to impact the lives of others.

Martial artists never stop learning. They are humble. They honor themselves and others. They always strive to hone their craft and continue to grow. Whether that looks like learning a new style or finding another outlet to share martial arts with others is limited only by the creativity and heart of the one ready to share how martial arts changed their lives for the better. If you are looking for a well-established and incredible studio, contact SwiftKick Martial Arts for a free trial class. SwiftKick is growing and offering training for people throughout North County, San Diego. Don’t miss out on the incredible journey of martial arts!

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