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What Are the Best Martial Art Styles for Beginners?

When an individual is thinking about martial arts for the first time, the big question is which style is best for someone new to the sport. All martial arts offer incredible health benefits, which makes this question more complex. Every style has techniques and skills that are beneficial. The best martial arts training for beginners has to do with the style but also the learning environment. Even a beginning karate class in a highly competitive studio can turn off a newbie forever, so keep this in mind when attending your first class!

Three Popular Beginner Martial Arts Styles

Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai are the three most popular martial arts styles for beginners. Not surprisingly, SwiftKick offers blended training that includes the best elements of all three!

Boxing for Beginners

The history of boxing goes back to ancient times and has deep roots in martial arts. Boxing focuses on the use of hands in strikes to an opponent. Footwork, balance, and focus are all critical elements in boxing, which makes boxing training an excellent workout. When boxing, students don’t just stand in one spot. Their feet are continually moving, as are their heads they weave and arms as they punch. Boxing incorporates movement as part of the strategy, and the techniques are easily grasped by those unfamiliar with martial arts. Almost everyone has seen, or can imagine, a boxing match, which makes a connection for many new students.

Boxing Classes

When students arrive at a boxing class, there is always a warm-up using different cardio, like jumping, skipping, or running. Students often appear to be boxing invisible opponents in their warm-ups, which is typical in most studios. Students in boxing classes will usually use punching bags and pads to practice moves and techniques. Sparring in boxing is reserved for most experienced students, but it is fun to watch as a newbie!

Muay Thai for Beginners

Muay Thai also has ancient roots in military training. For beginners, it is more complex than boxing because it uses kicks, punches, knee and elbow strikes. Students new to Muay Thai may learn one technique at a time or a series of techniques, depending on the studio. Some studios do not offer classes for different age groups, which can put new students at a disadvantage. SwiftKick purposefully schedules classes for similar ages so that techniques and training styles align with students’ ages and attention spans.

Muay Thai Classes

The warm-up in Muay Thai classes looks similar to boxing as students get their bodies moving and “shadowbox.” Muay Thai training is in rounds of a few minutes each, focused on striking techniques done repeatedly. An example is using an elbow jab, a punch, and a kick. The rounds often used in Muay Thai training build stamina and push students to improve these techniques in combinations designed for practical self-defense.

Finding a studio where instructors break down the different techniques into bite-sized pieces in Muay Thai is essential. It would be discouraging for new martial arts students to walk into a seasoned class of Muay Thai students and not be able to pick up the unique nuances of the moves.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Beginners

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is the newest of the three styles mentioned here and is considered a grappling sport. Grappling is vital in martial arts training and part of the Module Method at SwiftKick Martial Arts. Wrestling is the sport most closely related to BJJ because it incorporates pins and submissions. Although this style may look like rolling around on the floor, the beauty of this style is that it allows students of smaller stature to overcome more physically dominant opponents. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is considered a martial art that levels the playing field in self-defense.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes

A cardio warm-up is typical in BJJ classes, as with other martial arts styles. Training begins with a master in BJJ displaying a new technique for students. Students then replicate the method to build muscle memory. Several minutes are spent on each drill, and the instructor will introduce a new technique. Each new technique is drilled, and in one training class, new students may observe and practice five new techniques. Although the repetition makes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu good for new students, with so many techniques in each class, some may be overwhelmed.

The best martial arts styles for beginners may be boxing, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but finding a home at a studio that makes learning fun and engaging is critical to a successful martial arts journey. SwiftKick invites new students to try one of their blended martial arts training classes, which has the best of all three of these styles and more!

Contact SwiftKick today and attend one of our FREE TRIAL CLASSES in Bressi Ranch or Rancho Bernardo.