Growing Girl Power Workshop

Girls are strong. Girls are intelligent. Girls have the ability to change the world!

Swiftkick proudly presents our Growing Girl Power Workshops, a dynamic and empowering program designed to inspire and uplift young girls as they navigate their teenage years. Through interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and mentorship, participants are encouraged to embrace their unique strengths, build confidence, and cultivate resilience. The Growing Girl Power workshop covers topics such as self-esteem, leadership, and goal-setting, providing practical tools and strategies for personal growth. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, the Girl Power Workshop empowers girls to recognize their potential, pursue their passions, and navigate the challenges of adolescence with courage and determination.

Our next workshops will be August 2, 2024 from 3:30-5:30PM at our Rancho Bernardo Studio and August 3, 2024 from 12:30-2:30PM at our Carlsbad Studio. Fill out the form below to sign-up! Don't wait, this popular workshop fills up quick!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at or call us at (760) 930-9300.

Growing Girl Power Workshop Poster

Why is Goal Setting and Self Motivation important?

Goal setting and self-motivation are crucial for young girls as they navigate through life's challenges and pursue their aspirations. Setting goals provides a sense of direction and purpose, guiding them towards their dreams and ambitions. It empowers them to envision a future they desire and take proactive steps to achieve it. Moreover, goal setting instills a sense of accountability and responsibility, teaching them the value of perseverance and hard work. By setting achievable yet challenging goals, young girls learn to push their limits and discover their potential. Self-motivation serves as the driving force behind their actions, enabling them to overcome obstacles and setbacks along the way. It fosters resilience and determination, essential qualities for success in both personal and professional endeavors. Ultimately, goal setting and self-motivation empower young girls to become confident, independent individuals capable of realizing their dreams and making a positive impact in the world. This is our goal for our Growing Girl Power workshop!

Sign-up Today!

Growing Girl Power Workshops 2024

  • Price: $29.00
    Friday, August 2nd, 2024; 3:30pm - 5:30pm
    Goal Setting & Self Motivation
  • Price: $29.00
    Saturday, August 3, 2024; 12:30pm - 2:30pm
    Goal Setting & Self Motivation
  • You must agree to the release & waiver of liability and indemmity agreement

  • $0.00
  • MasterCard
    Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

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Our family-friendly environment, coupled with an emphasis on character tenants, fighting smart and positive role models,  make our program unique for your children and teens.Â