SwiftKick is participating in a Health and Fitness Fair at local company Northrop Grumman in Rancho Bernardo. I\’m very excited about attending this event there! If you work at NG or know someone who works there tell them to stop by and check out our booth.
Martial Arts is a tremendously beneficial outlet for working professionals. Our Champion Program is specifically designed and proven to give adults an outstanding workout, develop relevant and realistic skills in the martial arts, reduce stress, and improve overall lifestyle. It can be the healthy activity that gives you the outlet you need as well as provide you with that extra edge to performa at your peak throughout the day! I encourage all adults to check out our Adult Champion Program at SwiftKick martial arts and experience the benefits themselves!
Furthermore, it\’s back to school season and attending our Kids PathFinder or Teen+ Impact Program is a great way to kickstart the school year. Similar to the adult program, the program is designed to get kids and teens in shape, learn practical martial arts skills, and help them develop life skills that will benefit them for their entire life!
SwiftKick\’s an activity the whole family can enjoy!