Empower Yourself: Women\’s Self-Defense Course begins October 29th, 2011!

SwiftKick is offering a highly practical Women\’s Self-Defense course this fall. I truly believe this is a valuable course that you will all thoroughly enjoy and find highly beneficial. It provides that next step in training you simply cannot get with just a one day seminar.

The dates for the Three Week Course will be October 29th, November 5th, and November 12th from 1:00 – 3:00 PM.

This course is designed for any of the following:

1) Teenage Girls (both members and non-members)

2) Adult Female members of SwiftKick

3) Women with NO previous martial arts training

4) Women who have taken our course before

Payment may be made via cash, check or credit card. Please contact us at info@swiftkickma.com or 858-385-1600 to register.

Not only is this material valuable, but its tons of fun. The initial focus is basic boxing techniques that can be used to protect yourself in a self-preservation situation. Boxing is quick, efficient, and effective.

The course also covers dealing with an opponent who grabs onto you as well as one who takes you to the ground.

Almost most importantly, we cover the psychological elements of combat and what happens both phsyiologically and emotionally when you enter a hyper-adrenalized state.

Please send this information to any friends, family, and loved ones you feel would be interested in this course. Thanks everyone, I look forward to working with you to help build your confidence and minimize your fears, separate self-defense fact from fiction, and empower you to protect yourself.



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